We all love a great handbag, and chances are you have more than one or two in your closet. But a great looking everyday handbag that lasts should usually be made from leather, and leather can be expensive. And I, like many of you, want celebrity handbag style.
I have, in the past, bought non-leather handbags for everyday use and have always regretted it 6-months down the track. All the handbags I own that have stood the test of time are leather – I’m not talking about evening and special occasion bags here.
Unlike times gone past when one handbag seemed to be the-bag-for-all-seasons, I’m also not one to use the same handbag month-in and month-out (or even week-in week-out come to that). I like to change my everyday handbag in coordination with my outfit, need, mood and season. But they still get a lot of use even on rotation.
Given I don’t have a Kardashian-size income, I was delighted to be introduced to Willow Blu who specialise in celebrity-styled, genuine Italian leather handbags – woo hoo – and the icing is the fact that none of their bags has a price-tag over $175. WHAT?
Willow Blu is an Australian-owned small business run by Rebecca Beaumont who brings you genuine leather handbags inspired by the celebrity bags you love. Check out their listing in our Style Directory or buy direct from Willow Blu. NEW STOCK has just arrived.
Which ones are you favourite? Because I know you’ll love more than one. Show us your handbag loves on ‘Street Style’ here on StyleHunter or post to Instagram page.
And for more great articles on what’s hot in accessories right now see ‘Wanted Shoes‘ and ‘Mules Are Back‘ plus the HOTTEST COLOUR to wear right now. And sign up for our e-news and keep right up-to-date with StyleHunter.com.au