Celebrities Who Have Eczema


Who’s the hero? On the face of it, you wouldn’t think Britney Spears, Brad Pitt or Nicole Kidman would have anything that connects them on a deeper level other than each being globally famous. Add Adele, Kate Middleton, Leanne Rimes, Jade Jagger and a host of other celebrities who have eczema and their commonality is not their fame; it’s their skin. Turns out, they all need a hero too.


It is estimated that 6 million people suffer from eczema in the UK alone, a condition that causes itching, redness, inflammation and scaly skin. It can also cause bullying. Kate Middleton has spoken of her childhood trauma at the hands of school bullies. Jade Jagger blamed herself for the condition. Brad Pitt allegedly stopped using soap due to the effect of synthetic products on his skin.

Eczema can be exacerbated by stress, anger, some foods and alcohol, house dust mites, pollen, animals (particularly dogs, cats and horses), soap, perfume, cigarette smoke, chemical food additives  & solvents, to name a few. Because eczema is a multi-factorial condition it is hard to isolate just one irritant. And it’s celebrities who have eczema that bring this common but life-inhibiting condition to the forefront.


Eczema is not life-threatening, but it can severely limit and inhibit living life to the full. It can be debilitating leading to sleepless nights through itching and causing a strain on relationships. In addition to modifying your lifestyle and avoiding foods, stimulants and environments that irritate eczema, it is an excellent idea to keep your skin moisturised with a high-quality, pharmacy bought moisturiser.


If you have scalp eczema then you may find it very difficult to manage and hide your condition. Now there’s a new Hero! Coco-Scalp is an effective product that our on-line community here and on our sister-site of Mum’s Lounge have been trialling.

Coco-Scalp gets rid of scale. It contains coconut oil so is excellent for moisturising the scalp and your skin. It’s not an anti-dandruff shampoo and it’s not a steroid. It IS highly effective in naturally and gently treating scaly scalp conditions, and also scaly skin on other parts of your body.

The good people who produce Coco-Scalp have informed us that their product is excellent also for general skin use in the treatment of eczema, not just as a topical scalp treatment. It’s a specific treatment, so please ask for it by name at your local pharmacy or chemist. 
